Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Creation of Excitement in Sports Commentaries Essay

Introduction: The 2012 London Olympics was a phenomenal media event, with the BBC reporting that 90% of the UK population tuned in to watch at least fifteen minutes of the television coverage. Televised sport regularly boasts impressive viewing figures, but the Olympic Games generally entices the public more than most, with people all over the world encapsulated by the international contests. On Saturday 11th August 2012, Mo Farah won the Olympic gold medal for the men’s 5000m race to secure a historic double triumph, and Britain erupted with pride. According to many theorists (Gantz 1981, Gantz and Wenner 1995 etc.), entertainment is the main reason why people watch sport, and the nature of the commentary which accompanies such occasions†¦show more content†¦In relation to sport, it could be argued that allegiances to certain sportspeople/teams are the reason why many watch and enjoy it its coverage (Zillmann, Bryant and Sapolsky 1989, and Raney 2006b). This application was later renamed the ‘Disposition Theory of Sports Spectatorship’ in Zillman and Paulus (1993). Finally, while commentators are normally restricted to objective, neutral reporting, when broadcasting an event involving a national team/figure to the country they represent, this practice may be temporarily abandoned. Theodoropolou (2008) has labelled this ‘Triumphalese’, and is clearly relevant to the Mo Farah commentary, where the BBC speaker is undoubtedly supporting the British athlete. Such emotional attachment can further increase spectator excitement, as the public can identify with the passion they hear. Commentary Analysis: ‘Triumphalese’ Theodoropolou coined the term ‘triumphalese’ when analysing Greek media coverage of their country’s surprising success at the 2004 European Championships. She noticed deviation from the standard broadcasting convention of impartiality, and highlighted a number of features which revealed commentator bias. 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