Thursday, December 12, 2019

French And Russian Revolutions Essay Example For Students

French And Russian Revolutions Essay Both the French and Russian revolutions occurred because of twomain reasons. Both of these revolutions were the direct results ofbad leadership and a bad economy. These two reasons along with otherfactors caused both of these revolutions. Although they were bothsimilar, they also had differences. A difference between the two isthat the Russians had an unsuccessful pre-revolution in 1905. Another difference between these two revolutions is the fact that theFrench turned towards a democracy while the Russian government becamecommunist. In 1905 , Russia had a prerevolution that was put down of theCzar. Instead of learning from this prerevolution, Czar Nicholas II,made a very big mistake by in not introducing some reforms to correctthe problems. So because of his actions, the situation grew worse. In 1917, the Russians were fighting in World War I. A good majorityof the Russian people were weary and uncontent with the way the warwas going and with the Czars rule. This uncontent along witheconomic hardships caused riots and demonstrations to break out. TheCzar called for the army to put down the revolution as they did in1905. But the army joined the revolt and the Czar was kicked out ofpower soon afterwards. A temporary government was set up to decide onwhat kind of government Russia was gonna set up. Two politicalparties were set up. The Bolsheviks were one of the two. The leaderof the Bolshevik party was a man named Lenin. Lenin was a firmbeliever of the theories and ideas of Karl Marx. So with his sloganof Bread, Peace and Land, Lenin gained the support of the peasantsand gained control of Russia and setup a communist state. The French revolution was also caused by a bad ruler and a badeconomy. During the early 1780s a big percent of annual budget wenttowards king Louis XVIs lavish estate at Versailles. France also hadno central bank, no paper currency, no ways of getting more money, andan out-dated tax system which only taxed the poor who had no money tobegin with. Signs of revolution first appeared when the peasantsstormed the fortress known as the Bastille looking for gun powder. The Bastille incident set off revolts all over France and Louiswas soon deposed afterwards.A democratic goverment was setup in placeof the old monarcy. A doctrine called the Declaration of the Rightsof Man and citizen served as a basis for the revolutionary frenchleaders. The French set up a government in which an electedlegislative group met annually. It also consisted of an electedjudiciary and an executive headed by the king (The king had no realpower and only served as a figure head). Both the French and Russian revolutions had similar causes butended up with different results. Both of these countries haddifferent internal factors which cause the results. The Russians hadLenin and the French had the Declaration of the Rights of Man andCitizen. I would also like to point out 1 more similarity betweenthese two revolutions and that is the fact that both Czar Nicholas IIand King Louis XVI were executed soon after the revolutionaries tookpower .Its just strange to see how two similar countries with somany similar reasons for revolting would end up with so very differentgovernments.

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